[liberationtech] Fwd: Share your bright ideas on OpenIDEO to support human rights

Yishay Mor yishaym at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 02:40:25 PDT 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *OpenIDEO*
Date: Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Subject: Share your bright ideas on OpenIDEO to support human rights
To: yishaym at gmail.com

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             October 25, 2011

Our latest challenge...
 How can technology help people working to uphold human rights in the face
of unlawful detention?
 *We're excited to have reached 20,000 community members this past weekend!
*With so many creative and collaborative people dedicated to positive social
change, our OpenIDEO community is poised to achieve great impact in the year

We are currently in the Concepting phase for our Amnesty Challenge, where
we're seeking technology solutions to help support human rights in the face
of unlawful detention. The concepts we've seen so far are impressive and
we're looking forward to seeing more great ideas. Please log on to submit
your concepts<http://openideo.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ea27d4a8fa8ca350b13e5fa43&id=4377606669&e=0997282926>,
build on the ideas of others or simply join the conversation. We've put
together some helpful starting points for folks who want to participate but
need a little kickstart – including our Tips for
 and Tech Showcase<http://openideo.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=ea27d4a8fa8ca350b13e5fa43&id=27c6696391&e=0997282926>
Here's a selection of ideas so far. We know we've only just scratched the
surface, so head over to the challenge and share your concepts with
*Amnesty Observer
*Concept by: Vincent

One of the most powerful forms of information being shared is video: as the
human rights organization Witness explains, "You can say a story is
fabricated...You can say a person is lying. You can say you don't trust
newspapers. But you can't say what you just saw never happened."
Support Net - Financial, Legal,

*Concept by: Jason

A website that allows detainee families to share their stories. It also
provides support through micro-loans/gifts, a pro bono legal network, social
network exposure, and good'ole moral support using emails of encouragement.
Freedom - sticker signup
*Concept by: Anne Kjaer

Create a signature or Amnesty sign-up campaign around the topic of Shift
Freedom. When people sign up, they will be sent 10 cool Shift Freedom
stickers which they can place on their keyboard and give to their friends.

The OpenIDEO Team

OpenIDEO.com | Where people design better, together |
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   *Copyright © 2011 OpenIDEO, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving email because you have opted in to receive emails through
your OpenIDEO.com user profile or by following a challenge.
*Our mailing address is:*
100 Forest Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Add us to your address
    unsubscribe from this
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