[liberationtech] Fwd: New Resource - Global Internet Digest

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sun Oct 23 10:07:09 PDT 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Mottaz (lmottaz at INTERNEWS.ORG) <lmottaz at internews.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:32 PM
Subject: New Resource - Global Internet Digest
To: "companys at stanford.edu" <companys at stanford.edu>

Hi Yosem,****

I just sent this email to the libtech listserve but I’m not sure it went
through. Internews is launching its new Global Internet Digest today and I
was wondering if you would be willing to post it to the list serve. I think
a lot of this information, especially the calendar, will be of interest to
the list members.****

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[image: Internews - Global Internet
 October 2011****Week 3****

Internews is pleased to launch the Global Internet
a weekly publication highlighting trends in digital and social media that
intersect with freedom of expression, policy, privacy and censorship. The
Digest features information about relevant news, research and online
resources. It also includes an interactive calendar highlighting important
events taking place around the world. The Digest is available on our website
and via email. ****
Subscribe to the Global Internet

Visit the full Global Internet
our web site.
Upcoming Events****

Silicon Valley Human Rights
* *
October 25-26
San Francisco, CA
Summary:* *This conference will* *examine and explore how the high-tech
industry can better plan for and manage the human rights implications of
their technologies. It is an outcome-oriented event, centered around private
roundtables and public sessions, that will bring together ICT entrepreneurs,
executives, and engineers together with policy analysts, human rights
specialists and technologists.****

London Conference on
November 1-2, 2011
London, UK
Sumary: Hosted by the Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs,
this conference will launch a more focused and inclusive dialogue between
key cyberspace actors from across the world including from government,
industry and civil society. This will aim to develop a better collective
understanding of how to protect and preserve the tremendous opportunities
that the development of cyberspace offers us all. ****

See Full Events
In the News****

*Global* ****

Google Encrypts Search to Thwart Wi-Fi
Google radically expanded Tuesday its use of bank-level security that
prevents Wi-Fi hackers and rogue ISPs from spying on your searches. Starting
Tuesday, logged-in Google users searching from Google’s homepage will be
using https://google.com, not http://google.com even if they simply type
google.com into their browsers. The change to encrypted search will happen
over several weeks, the company said in a blog post Tuesday. (Wired, 10/18)*

Mobile Devices Account for a Growing Portion of Web Traffic
prediction that Internet traffic originating from mobile devices will
eventually exceed that of desktop computers connected to the Internet is on
its way to a reality. Mobile devices, which includes smartphones and
tablets, now account for 7 percent of worldwide traffic on the Web,
according to a report issued Tuesday by comScore, which monitors online
trends. (New York Times, 10/12) ****

EFF Fights Against Dangers of Intermediaries as Internet
EFF explains why the effort to utilize Internet intermediaries--from Comcast
to Youtube--as tools for surveillance and censorship is a dangerous and
misguided policy that will impede innovation and freedom of expression.
(EFF, 10/18)****

More Global News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281506/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_global.shtm>

*Africa* ****

Mobile Phones in
In no area has the terrain in Africa altered more seismically than in mobile
telephony. Much of the importance of mobile phones in the African context
rests in the manner in which they allow Africans to sidestep pervasive
infrastructure constraints, share information more freely, thus making
markets more efficient, and stimulate and support entrepreneurial verve.
(Council on Foreign Relations, 10/14)****

>From Highs to Lows - Africa Has World's Greatest Broadband Price Decreases
in 2010<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281508/1411202/goto:http:/www.ictworks.org/tags/internet-access>
A few years ago, Internet access in Africa was crazy expensive. Entire
projects would sink under the weight of a monthly broadband bill, often
exceeding staff salaries to be the single largest expense in an ICT
intervention. Fast forward to 2010 and the ITU says that broadband Internet
access prices are dropping by more than 50% globally with a special bonus
for African countries. (ICT Works, 10/17)****

More Africa News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281509/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_africa.shtm>

*Asia* ****

China Says its Internet Censorship Meets International Standards as it
Parries US Queries<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281510/1411202/goto:http:/www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/china-says-its-internet-censorship-meets-international-standards-as-it-parries-us-queries/2011/10/20/gIQAeUhkzL_story.html>
China’s Foreign Ministry defended the government’s censoring of the Internet
on Thursday, saying it meets international norms, as the U.S. questions
whether the practices amount to a trade barrier. (Washington Post, 10/20)***

Top Chinese Propaganda Official Puts Pressure on
China’s top Internet watchdog has waded into the debate surrounding the
country’s increasingly influential Twitter-like microblogging sites,
praising them as a platform for communication but calling for them to be
more tightly regulated to ensure a “healthy” environment online. (Wall
Street Journal, 10/15)****

In Sri Lanka, Anti-Government Website
The Committee to Protect Journalists is alarmed by reports that access to
anti-government news website *Lanka eNews* has been blocked inside Sri
Lanka, according to the site's exiled editor and users inside the country.
All three language versions of the site, English, Sinhala, and Tamil, have
not been available since Tuesday. (Committee to Protect Journalists, 10/19)*

More Asia News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281513/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_asia.shtm>

*Eurasia* ****

Russia: Newspaper Leaks Plans to Discredit Anti-Corruption Blogger
“United Russia” had ordered a massive plan (worth of ~320,000 US dollars) to
discredit anti-corruption blogger Alexey Navalny, Novaya Gazeta writes [ru].
The campaign might include compromising footage with Navalny's look-alike
involved in some illegal and/or immoral activities. (Global Voices, 10/18)**

Turkish Man Could Face Two-Year Prison Sentence for Facebook
A Turkish man could face two years in prison for comments made about Prime
Minister Tayyip Erdoğan on his Facebook page. A public prosecutor in Ankara
is calling for the man’s imprisonment based on insulting Erdogan, along with
some of his cabinet members and ministers from the ruling Justice and
Development Party (AKP). The man is being charge under Article 301 of
Turkey’s Criminal Code. (Index on Censorship, 10/20)****

More Eurasia News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281516/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_eurasia.shtm>

*Europe* ****

Germans Condemn Police Use of
A group that calls itself the Chaos Computer Club prompted a public outcry
here recently when it discovered that German state investigators were using
spying software capable of turning a computer’s webcam and microphone into a
sophisticated surveillance device. (New York Times, 10/14)****

Facebook Could Face 100,000 Fine for Holding Data that Users have
Facebook could face a fine of up to 100,000 (£87,000) after an Austrian law
student discovered the social networking site held 1,200 pages of personal
data about him, much of which he had deleted. (Guardian, 10/20)****

UK: Twitter Vows to Protect Users from
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has stressed the need to keep freedom of speech as
a priority, even in times of civil unrest. Speaking at the Web 2.0 Summit in
San Francisco on Monday, Costolo stood by the decision not to suspend the
service or reveal user identities to authorities in the wake of the UK riots
this summer. (Index on Censorship, 10/19)****

More Europe News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281520/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_europe.shtm>

*Middle East and North Africa* ****

Tunisia and the Internet: A Chance to get Things
Censorship is a major topic in the Tunisian political discoure. There have
recently been protests by conservatives demanding censorship of all media
including TV, film, and Internet and protests by liberals against
censorship. After  Internet censorship was ended when President Zine El
Abidine Ben Ali fled the country in January, some censorship of pornographic
and incendiary web content resumed in May of this year, prompting heated
debates over who has the authority to decide what goes on the censorship
list and whether that power will inevitably be abused. (Consent of the
Networked, 10/20)****

Syria Uses US Technology in Cyber
As the autocratic regime in Syria brutally cracks down on a pro-democracy
opposition, it is using technology developed by an American company, Blue
Coat Systems, to suppress dissent and block access to the internet, tech
experts say. (Mother Jones, 10/19)****

More MENA News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281523/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_mena.shtm>

*Latin America* ****

Attempts to Silence Independent Press have Increased, IAPA Concludes During
Annual Meeting<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281524/1411202/goto:http:/www.ifex.org/americas/2011/10/20/iapa_conclusions/>
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) ended its 67th General Assembly
today by describing the deplorable state of press freedom in the Americas
where violations range from physical violence, the murder of journalists and
the impunity of these crimes, lawsuits, arbitrary arrests, verbal abuse, and
the manipulation of government advertising to laws or restrictive bills.
(IFEX, 10/18) ****

More Latin America

*United States* *and Canada*****

United States Seeks Detailed Information on China’s Internet
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced today that, under World Trade
Organization (WTO) rules, the United States is seeking detailed information
on the trade impact of Chinese policies that may block U.S. companies’
websites in China, creating commercial barriers that especially hurt
America’s small business. (Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, 10/19)**

Internet Links not Libel, Top Canadian Court
Hyperlinking to defamatory material on the internet does not constitute
publishing the defamatory material itself, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled
Wednesday. The ruling will alleviate fears that holding someone liable for
how they use hyperlinks on websites, personal ones or others, could cast a
chill on internet use. (CBC News, 10/19)****

U.S. Digital Data Privacy Rules Turn
Congress first penned the rules for how law enforcement may obtain digital
data for investigations in 1986, long before most Americans save academics
and the military had even used the Internet. And as the Electronic
Communications Privacy Act turns 25 this week, members of Congress are
hearing it is time to revisit a law that never anticipated the day consumers
would use Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, the iPhone and other tech staples of the
digital age. (POLITICO, 10/19) ****

More US News<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281529/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_us.shtm>
Online Resources****

Securing your Mobile
Email wasn’t designed with security in mind. Unless you take steps to
protect your communication, emails are sent in plain text - and so are you
email account username and password. At the same time, if you and your
recipient are taking the appropriate security precautions, mobile email can
be a secure and reliable alternative to other forms of mobile communication.
This article suggests tactics for improving the security of your mobile
email. (Mobile Active, 10/14)****

Secure My Video
The *Secure My Video Guide* is the first stage in an effort to provide video
activists with tools to make their work safe and secure. *The Secure My
Video Guide* has an Indonesian focus, however the issues and strategies
recommended are universal. (EngageMedia, 10/19)****

More Online Resources<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281532/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_resources.shtm>
Research Update****

Internet and Surveillance: The Challenges of Web 2.0 and Social
This book is the first ever published volume that is dedicated to Internet
surveillance in the age of what has come to be termed “social media” or “web
2.0″ (blogs, wikis, file sharing, social networking sites, microblogs,
user-generated content sites, etc).****

The Network is Aware: Social Science Research on Deep Packet
This website features the ongoing activities and results of research
investigating whether deep packet inspection is changing the way the
Internet is governed. Deep packet inspection (DPI) is a network surveillance
technology that enables operators to scan Internet traffic in real time and
make automated decisions about what to do with it.****

More Research<http://e2ma.net/go/7310667805/208712617/226281535/1411202/goto:http:/www.internews.org/GlobalInternetDigest/gid_research.shtm>

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