[liberationtech] Fwd: [CONTACTCON] The four selected ideas

Ale Fernandez skoria at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 06:56:05 PDT 2011

Hi All,

Sorry for the mass mailing but I wonder if any of you (bcc'd) groups 
would be interested in these projects(or proposing your own - see last 
paragraph), which have now recieved a bit of funding at ContactCon and I 
hope lots of attention, even just so you can criticise them or say you 
are making one already ;)



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [CONTACTCON] The four selected ideas
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:42:23 -0400

I'm trying to locate and then publicize the online "location" of each of 
the four ideas we selected at the end of the day. Exactly where should 
people go to join up or support your projects?

The four that ended up with final meetings were:

1. Democracy platform for OWS and beyond.

2. Collaboration/Finder/Matching app for artists.

3. Local food sharing application/platform

4. KickStopper crowd-sourced un-funding

Whoever is the reporter for each of these meetings, please post here the 
online forum/listserv/GoogleGroup or whatever you decided to use to 
continue your collaboration. The http://forum.contactcon.com is a fine 
place for you to do this as well, but it seems to be less useful or 
beckoning to people than I had imagined, as only about 5% of groups 
posted their results to it during the day (given how much was going on, 
I can see why "reporting" may have felt like overkill.)

Still, if you want the support of this community, of potential funders, 
and of the world at large, the time to let us know of your existence - 
of how we can send money, people, support, and more - has come.

Show yourselves as soon as possible.  I will then write an email at the 
end of today compiling this information, and send it to everyone.

Thanks for coming and supporting one another. What happened was real, 
and can continue to be so.

  * English - detected
  * English

  * English


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