[liberationtech] Hack for Social Change - Register by Sunday!

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Oct 12 09:02:53 PDT 2011

Code to (help) save the world!

the Hackathon on October 21, 2011!

 [image: code-the-change-hackathon-10-21-2011.png]
Code the Change will have our first hackathon of Fall, 2011 in partnership
with Facebook from *5pm on October 21 to 5pm on October 22 on the Facebook
campus*. Our second hackathon will be on *November 13 from noon to 8pm at

If you're interested,

At these hackathons, you will get the chance to use your programming and
design skills for social change! We have
you will improve public health, democracy and governance, education, and
entrepreneurship. You will have the opportunity to work in a variety of

We have opportunities for people of all experience levels. Everyone will be
working on projects that nonprofit organizations will use to make the world
a better place. People who want a larger leadership role can step up as a
project leader. If you're less experienced, we will match less experienced
and more experienced people in groups so that you'll be able to ask
questions and learn.

The registration deadline is *Sunday, 10/16 at 11:59pm*, so sign

(Please forward.  If you want to post a sign on your door, email
samking at cs.stanford.edu, and he'll print one out for you!)
Sam King
Director | Code the Change <http://codethechange.org> - we have a hackathon
for social good coming up!
Teacher | CS1U: Practical Unix <http://cs1u.stanford.edu> - videos and
exercises are available free online!
facebook <https://www.facebook.com/samjking>,
google+ <https://plus.google.com/111459971983433860521>, verbose


Elijah Frazier
Stanford University | Class of 2012
B.A. Candidate | Science, Technology, and Society
Minor | Film and Media Studies

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