[liberationtech] [Slrl] "Power Games: Rules and Roles in Second Life": PhD Defense on SSE's island in Second Life, May 27

Sabine Reljic sabinereljic at gmail.com
Thu May 26 17:47:27 PDT 2011

Congratulations. I am really pleased to see that other doc candidates are
defending in a virtual world. I am looking forward to attending your
defense, Maria.

Also, I would like to use this opportunity to ask to all members of these
lists if they know other doc candidates besides Maria Backe and I who have
defended in SL or another virtual world. Please email me directly at
sabinereljic at gmail.com or IM me in SL via Willow Shenlin with names and
Most sincerely,

Sabine K. Lawless-Reljic, Ed.D.
Communication Director for ARVEL (Applied Research in Virtual Environments
for Learning)
ARVEL SIG: http://www.arvelsig.com
*Web:* Sabine Reljic (Skype, Twitter)
*Virtual Worlds:* Willow Shenlin (*3rd Rock Grid, 3DXplorer, InWorldz,
Reaction Grid, Science Grid, Second Life, SmallWorlds*); Willow Virtual
(Grand Central Sim); WillowWarC (*World Of Warcraft*); SKYlawless (*Blue
Mars*); Sabine Reljic (*AET Zone, ScienceSim*).
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