[liberationtech] FW: Did Syria replace Facebook's security certificate with a forged one?

10 com 10com at operamail.com
Sun May 22 04:15:53 PDT 2011

interesting theme -> 

Question 1. Do US companies like Google (gmail, YouTube) and Microsoft
(yahoo, skype, hotmail) allow third-parties to monitor there

Question 2. Can third-parties monitor online services from US companies
like Google, Microsoft without the consent / knowledge of the

Within the European Union a discours started, how companies should
adressed to when playing a (technical) role in conflicts on human

  10 com
  10com at operamail.com

On Sat, 21 May 2011 10:23 -0400, liberationtech at lewman.us wrote:
> On Fri, May 06, 2011 at 08:52:41AM +0800, crates at oneotaslopes.org wrote
> 2.1K bytes in 56 lines about:
> : Andrew, do we have proof of MITM attacks in Tunisia? Iran?
> Proof is hard to come by.  I have had chats with people in countries who
> have claimed they are seeing certs from their govt telco authority for
> gmail, yahoo, skype, msn, etc.
> None of these people took screenshots of the ssl cert presented nor
> saved the cert.  Due to a lack of evidence, other than word of mouth, I
> consider this hearsay.  However, I've heard the rumor enough to wonder
> if there is anything real behind it. 
> Specifically, when viewing gmail[1], when looking at the ssl
> cert presented, it was claimed the 'Issued by' is from their govt, not
> an accepted CA.
> [1] https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin....
> -- 
> Andrew
> pgp key: 0x74ED336B
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