[liberationtech] something happened in Italy...

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue May 17 20:12:59 PDT 2011

Thanks Giuseppe for passing on this historic news. Although you've  
probably seen the web site http://www.comunalimilano2011.it/ that uses  
the OpenDCN platform, others on this list may not have seen it. It's  
an outgrowth of the Milan Civic Network which has been helping to  
cultivate community and civic life in Italy for 15 or so years.

--- Doug

On May 17, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Giuseppe A. Veltri wrote:

> Dear all,
> Yesterday, something very interesting happened in Italy. A web-based  
> movement led by the ex-comedian Beppe Grillo (http://www.beppegrillo.it/en/ 
> ) had a fantastic results in many important cities in a first round  
> of administrative elections. Using massively the web to coordinate a  
> number of electoral candidates across Italy the gained up to 10% of  
> votes in an already ultra-saturated political market (Italy's  
> famously fragmented political spectrum). Interesting enough, a major  
> point of their campaign was to elect people to city councils to act  
> as 'terminals' to upload online all the important documents and  
> decisions of a city government that usually go undetected but have  
> an impact on the life of citizens. Because of their excellent  
> results they will be able to do so and it will be the first large- 
> scale and web-based act of political transparency.
> I leave aside any consideration about the political agenda of this  
> movement (called 'Movimento 5 Stelle', 5 stars movement) but I think  
> it is very interesting how they are trying to apply social network  
> ideas to the pre-existing political structure.
> All best,
> G
> -----------------------------------------
> Giuseppe A. Veltri
> personal email ga.veltri at gmail.com
> work email Giuseppe.Veltri at ec.europa.eu
> web http://psicosociocult.blogspot.com/
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Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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