[liberationtech] fyi
Joshua Cohen
jcohen57 at stanford.edu
Wed May 11 12:46:47 PDT 2011
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Dave Nielsen" <contact at eventbrite.com>
> Date: May 11, 2011 9:55:54 AM PDT
> To: jcohen57 at stanford.edu
> Subject: Hack for Egypt @ Stanford: Spread the Word
> Reply-To: dave at platformd.com
> Hello Hackers & Activists,
> In 3 days ... dozens of hackers will descend upon Stanford for the
> Hack-For-Egypt Unconference & Hackathon. Word has begun to spread
> through Stanford, Silicon Valley & on Twitter. Working together we
> expect to develop useful & cool apps that will help the Egyptians
> overcome challenges they face in bringing democracy to their
> country. Over 60 people have registered so far, but we'd like to
> make one more push to get the word out. Here's what you can do:
> 1. Forward this email to your tech-savvy friends. The invitation is
> below:
> 2. Let others know you are attending
> Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196160703760696
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/?status=I just registered for http://hackforegypt.eventbrite.com
> Plancast: http://plancast.com/p/5415
> Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/8037813/
> 3. Help us before the event by voting for apps that we will build to
> help Egyptian activists
> Vote for apps here: http://cloudcamp.uservoice.com/forums/114129
> Join with us as we Hack For Egypt!
> Earlier this year, Egyptians combined technology and political
> activism to revolutionary effect (see wikipedia article). After
> overthrowing a thirty-year dictatorship, they face new challenges to
> establishing democracy. Can technology help them through the
> divisive times ahead?
> The Unconference and Hackathon for Egypt is an opportunity to find
> out. On May 14, programmers and engineers will gather at Stanford
> University to meet with Egyptian activists and discuss applications
> that could help their cause. Our aim is to build a community that
> bridges Tahrir Square and Silicon Valley to show what activists
> equipped with digital tools can achieve.
> Bring your laptops and we’ll provide the activists and the food. The
> d. school venue is perfectly designed to let the ideas flow. Come
> check it out!
> For info about the activists behind Egypt’s revolution, visit
> cloudtostreet.org.
> For info about the apps we expect to work on, visit http://cloudcamp.uservoice.com/forums/114129
> Schedule:
> 9:30 am - Registration, Networking w/ Egyptian Coffee
> 10:00 am - Welcome & "Outcome from Egypt visit" by Ben Rowswell of
> CloudToStreet
> 10:15 am - "How Egyptian Activists Used Technology to Drive the
> Revolution" by Ahmed Saleh
> 10:30 am - "New Media and Traditional Media in the Egyptian
> Revolution" by Sabah Hamamou of MASRAWYYA and Al-Ahram newspaper
> 10:45 am - "Lightning Talks by Activists & App Developers (5 minutes
> each)
> - Abdallah Helmy (video conference)
> - Farhaan Ladhani
> - Nelly Corbel (video conference)
> - Vivek Srinivasan
> 11:15 am - Organize Unconference & Hackathon where Developers choose
> an application to work on, or their own related project (fac
> ilitated by Dave Nielsen)
> 12:30 pm - Luncheon - Q&A with Egyptian activists
> 1:00 pm - Hackers announce projects they have chosen to work on
> 1:00 pm - Unconference Sessions - Round 1 (Hacking begins)
> 2:00 pm - Unconference Sessions - Round 2 (Hacking continues)
> 3:00 pm - Unconference Sessions - Round 3 (Hacking continues)
> 4:00 pm - Unconference Sessions - Round 4 (Hacking continues)
> 5:00 pm - Presentations of Hackathon Projects (to be recorded)
> 5:30 pm - "Next steps. On to Cairo" by Ben Rowswell
> Location:
> the d.school @ Stanford (map)
> Escondido Mall
> Building 550 - Hasso Plattner Institute of Design
> Stanford, CA 94305
> Directions:
> Enter from Panama Street (map)
> Organizers:
> Sarina Beges, Liberation Technologies, Freeman Spogli Institute,
> Stanford
> Joshua Cohen, Professor of political science, philosophy, and law,
> Liberation Technologies, Stanford
> Saad Khan, Partner, CMEA Capital, Hacktivist
> Sam King, Code the change
> Mark Nelson, Persuasive Technology Lab, Peace Innovation Lab Stanford
> Dave Nielsen, CloudCamp
> Margarita Quihuis, Persuasive Technology Lab, Peace Innovation Lab,
> Stanford
> Ben Rowswell, @cloudtostreet
> Vivek Srinivasen, Liberation Technologies, Freeman Spogli Institute,
> Stanford
> Terry Winograd, Computer Science Department, Liberation
> Technologies, d.school, Stanford
> This email was sent by Eventbrite. Anyone can use Eventbrite to
> spread the word, collect money, and track RSVPs for an event.. See
> how you can too!
> Click here to unsubscribe from events by "HackForEgypt".
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