[liberationtech] wordpress.com extracts the S from https (update)
Frank Corrigan
email at franciscorrigan.com
Mon May 9 11:26:58 PDT 2011
Now the httpS link I made by hotlinking an image has had the S removed,
can't understand this wordpress.com practice, should someone post a blog
story on wordpress.com and posts url with a httpS to another
wordpress.com blog the S gets removed . v odd
This is not about httpS links in the Browser Toolbar, but httpS url
embedded into a post, that gets change to a plain http link.
I a still not sure if I am explaining this issue well enough...
----- Original message -----
From: "Griffin Boyce" <griffinboyce at gmail.com>
To: "Frank Corrigan" <email at franciscorrigan.com>
Cc: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 18:08:15 -0400
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] wordpress.com extracts the S from https
While it might not be the most pleasing solution, you could always turn
preferred link into a bit.ly link or use a similar service.
I've tested this with the https Twitter link, and it was preserved:
On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Frank Corrigan
<email at franciscorrigan.com>wrote:
> I can confirm that I am able to replicate the situation of a https url
> included in wordpress.com hosted blog to a url having a wordpress.com
> suffix has the S in https removed and this removal also happens when
> such a link is added in plain text (not active). I have circumvented
> this problem by inserting an image of the httpS url and the linking to
> it with a httpS url.
> You can see things here:
> https://franciscorrigan.wordpress.com/2000/01/01/contactme/
> Unlike web hosts inserting stuff into html code that has been uploaded,
> wordpress.com extracts the S from https, from all links added to a blog
> post that point to a url with a wordpress.com suffix.
> I entered https://encrypted.google.com/ and the S was not removed, so
> therefore removal of S from
> https://franciscorrigan.wordpress.com/2000/01/01/contactme/
> when added to a blog only affects wordpress.com url's...
> I posted this issue to the wordpress forum, but no adequate or formal
> response is forthcoming.
> Frank
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