[liberationtech] Did Syria replace Facebook's security certificate with a forged one?
Jillian York
jyork at cyber.law.harvard.edu
Thu May 5 12:11:58 PDT 2011
I think perhaps the person misunderstood - it's the Syrian gov't (via its
gov't-controlled ISP) faking the certs. It is NOT Facebook doing the
On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 12:03 PM, <liberationtech at lewman.us> wrote:
> On Thu, May 05, 2011 at 08:45:05PM +0200, canconsulting at web.de wrote 5.4K
> bytes in 72 lines about:
> : Seriously: Can you name at least one advantage of the alleged
> : certificate faking for Syrian internet users?
> Your question is confusing. Using faked certs doesn't help Syrian
> citizens, rather it puts them at risk.
> However, it does help the government. The govt gets to
> machine-in-the-middle all ssl traffic to facebook, decrypt it,
> parse/record/store the unencrypted data, and then go arrest/kill people
> with proof of content against the state. Or the data can be used to
> unmask social networks of people friendly to the cause of protesting,
> etc.
> This same mitm has happened in Tunisia, Iran, Burma, and suspected in
> many other countries. In fact, you can buy hardware to do this from US
> companies, like Bluecoat or Packet Forensics. Or just roll your own
> with one of the many mitmproxy projects out there, like
> http://mitmproxy.org/.
> --
> Andrew
> pgp key: 0x74ED336B
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