[liberationtech] Activism vs Slacktivism 'debate' - WEBCAST now confirmed (Monday 21st March)

Brie Rogers Lowery brie at fairsay.com
Sun Mar 20 06:00:22 PDT 2011

Hi all,

Some of you asked about this following my last email on the topic so we're
pleased to announce that we have been able to arrange a *webcast for the
'Activism vs Slacktivism' debate* so that those of you who are unable to
attend can watch the debate and interact via the Scribd comments section.

*The debate will take place from 17:00-19:00 GMT on Monday 21st
March*(which may be today for some of you reading this)

You can sign-up to receive an email reminder 90 minutes before the webcast

The primary place to view the webcast will be at:
an alternative is:

A reminder that the purpose of the debate is to go beyond the tired rhetoric
of offline vs online (as recognised by the discussion on this list) and get
a more nuanced insight into the challenges and opportunities for campaigning
with digital tools. This includes influencing the critics and the optimists.

To review the speakers or sign up to attend the debate in person see
A special thanks to the debate sponsors for helping make this happen: Sue
Fidler Ltd <http://suefidler.com/>, nfpSynergy <http://www.nfpsynergy.net/>,
Engaging Networks <http://www.engagingnetworks.net/> &
/Louder <http://www.louder.org.uk/>, alongside
OneWorld<http://oneworldgroup.org/>for streaming the webcast.

Hope you can take part!


Brie Rogers Lowery
Freelance eCampaigner
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
+44 (0)7940 540021

On 8 March 2011 12:41, Brie Rogers Lowery <brie at fairsay.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Following on from the email thread last week on cyber-sceptics the 'debate'
> has now been confirmed so for those of you who are interested and based in
> the UK you can find out more and sign-up here: http://fairsay.com/debateor see details below.
> We're still working on getting a webcast so I'll update you closer to the
> time on the progress of that.
> Thanks,
> Brie
> -----
> *Debate: 'Activism vs Slacktivism' <http://fairsay.com/debate>
> *
> Does activism via digital channels work? It depends on who you ask.* Join
> a debate <http://fairsay.com/debate> of sceptics, realists and optimists
> exploring the impact of digital activism. *
> All activism depends on the belief and hope by participants that acting
> together will make a difference. With increasing debate and rhetoric around
> the influence and power of digital activism, what will the future be for
> this form of mobilisation if misinformed commentary or ill-conceived use of
> digital tools and networks attempt to undermine it?
> *What: Debate: 'Activism vs. Slacktivism'*
> *When:* 17.00-19.00, Monday 21st March 2011
> *Where:* Mary Ogilvie Lecture Theatre, St Anne's College, Oxford
> *Register/more info:* http://fairsay.com/debate
> *The debate will challenge and provoke:*
>    - *campaigners* who are not using online mobilisation strategically to
>    up their game
>    - *sceptics* of the power of digital activism to learn how and when
>    digital activism does work
> Speakers
>    - *Chair:* Kathryn Corrick <http://kathryncorrick.co.uk/>
>    - *Paul Hilder* - Director of Campaigns, Oxfam
>    - *David Babbs* - Executive Director, 38 Degrees
>    - *Naomi McAuliffe* - Campaign Manager, Amnesty International
>    - *Tom Steinberg* - Director, MySociety
>    - *Sam Smith* - Democracy & Transparency activist
>    - *Eric Lee* - International Trade Union digital consultant &
>    LabourStart.org
>    - *Micah White* - Adbusters & Guardian contributor *(Via recorded video
>    presentation)*
>    - *Rasmus Kleis Nielsen* - Reuters Institute for the Study of
>    Journalism *(TBC via recorded video presentation/webcast)*
> There will be a ticket price of £15 - *please note that we are not making
> any profit from the event this is just to cover additional organising costs
> of the debate. Thanks also to Sue Fidler Ltd <http://suefidler.com/>,
> nfpSynergy <http://www.nfpsynergy.net/> & Advocacy Online<http://www.advocacyonline.net/>for assisting with sponsorship.
> *
> For those not based in the UK or unable to attend we are still working on
> seeing if a live webcast will be possible but we'll let you know closer to
> the date.
> Even if you can't attend yourself please help promote the event far and
> wide since one of its aims is informing organisations, journalists,
> bloggers, etc. - just use the URL http://fairsay.com/debate
> Hope to see you there!
> Thanks,
> Brie
> --
> Brie Rogers Lowery
> Freelance eCampaigner
> *FairSay - Making Campaigning Count*
> +44 (0)7940 540021
> www.FairSay.com <http://www.fairsay.com/>
> www.breezythinking.com <http://brierl.wordpress.com/>

Brie Rogers Lowery
Freelance eCampaigner
*FairSay - Making Campaigning Count*
+44 (0)7940 540021
www.FairSay.com <http://www.fairsay.com/>
www.breezythinking.com <http://brierl.wordpress.com/>
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