[liberationtech] questions from LIBYA

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Sat Mar 12 16:37:31 PST 2011

hi all,

so I've arrived in Benghazi, Libya and am meeting with some of the
activists, engineers, and technicians here.

A few things have come up that i figured some of you may be able to
assist with. I'm just going to list them out, and I hope you will
reply to me, off-list where appropriate, with your

1. cellphone network is working, but SMS is currently blocked except
for the government spamming pro-regime messages to people - any ideas
about how to circumvent/activate SMS?

2. some celltowers are in the hands of rebels, what can be done with
those to put them to work locally?

3. people are concerned about monitoring of cellphones, can anything
be done at the tower level locally at least? we wanted to
recommend/test TextSecure and various other tools being created by
Nathan Freitas and others, but seems impossible at the moment, no text
and no mobile data service

4. it seems that the internet connection is still active, however
everything other than libyan govt sites are blocked (i believe all but
.ly) i am going to look into this more tomorrow. one friend ehre told
me he had success initially by changing up DNS servers but eventually
that no longer worked. I'm going to try out an SSH tunnel and some
other dns options tomorrow, but i'm not very well versed in this
personally and any suggestions will be appreciated.

5. i have a hardware gateway here, but only 1 sim, i believe this
works for voice as well as sms but needs a sim. i'm going to get the
exact details tomorrow, its 230am and i dont have it handy. any ideas
what can be done with this to set up some kind of communications
internally given the previously mentioned issues?

6. we have a bgan satmodem and hope to have that running for
publishing content soon, but this is incredibly expensive as many of
you probably know. any ideas about fundraising to cover bandwidth
would be much appreciated :)

7. thanks so much for your time and consideration!!

peace & justice

wishing you well from benghazi, libya

brian conley

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