[liberationtech] NYT: Egyptians Get View of Extent of Spying

Cyrus Farivar cfarivar at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 22:41:25 PST 2011

Thoughts on this passage?

"A file for Isra’a Abdel Fattah, once dubbed Facebook Girl for her online activism, contained 10 pages of documents detailing three years of wiretaps and hacked e-mail, including some focused on her divorce.

The secret police printed out all the e-mail regarding her work for the political campaign of Mohamed ElBaradei, the opposition politician who was previously head of theInternational Atomic Energy Agency. They had a list of every company to which Ms. Abdel Fattah had sent a résumé when applying for a job. One note in the margin, documenting her participation in an American democracy seminar via Skype, suggested that state security cut off her Internet access."
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/10/world/middleeast/10cairo.html?_r=1&ref=global-home&pagewanted=print

Cyrus Farivar
"suh-ROOS FAR-ih-var"

Freelance technology journalist and radio producer

Author, "The Internet of Elsewhere"

DE: +49 163 763 3108 (m)
US: +1 510 394 5485 (m)

Twitter/Skype: cfarivar

"Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet."

cfarivar at cfarivar.org

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