[liberationtech] Information Theoretic Democracy....backgound reading

Peter Lindener lindener.peter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:44:25 PST 2011

For those on the Liberation Technology list,-

   Some might want a bit of background reading regarding how Information
Theory relates to many aspects of our world...
 One might want to check out the book  " *The-Information: A History, a
Theory, a Flood* " by James Gleick <http://around.com/the-information>

 From my perspective, this same set of theory's also pertain to the
definition of the truly democratic group decision process.

   It is my hope that  from the broader perspective, with the additional
understanding that the internet is based on this same theoretical foundation
of how information flows.

    This understanding will enable others to fully appreciated this
perspective, that will ultimately come to define the nature of a *genuine

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