[liberationtech] BitMate: BitTorrent for the developing-world

Katrin Verclas katrin at mobileactive.org
Tue Mar 8 08:57:36 PST 2011

For those of you using BitTorrent in a developing world context, you know that it does not fare well with low-bandwidth connections, making it almost unusable in many places.  A research group in Pakistan has developed a modified BitTorrent client, called BitMate. I know nothing much about it but hope you can check it out to evaluate it.  According to the people who developed it: 

> BitMate outperforms vanilla BitTorrent by close to 70% in download performance, while at the same time improving upload contribution by as much as 1000%! BitMate is fully compliant with the BitTorrent protocol and compatible with existing BitTorrent clients. BitMate is implemented using Azureus (Vuze) code base. 

You can read more here:  http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/gigaom/big-tech/video_bitmate_bittorrent.html or see more (including the code) at: http://www.dritte.org/bitmate.html


Katrin Verclas
katrin at mobileactive.org

skype/twitter: katrinskaya
(347) 281-7191

A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact

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