[liberationtech] Draft of letter to send to White House and Congressional reps./modify and send (PLEASE FORGIVE MULTIPLE RECEIPT)

Khaled Mattawa khaledmattawa at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 7 13:41:20 PST 2011

Dear President Obama,
The Qaddafi regime will effectively end once the U.S. and other leading world powers recognize the new Transitional National Council that has convened in Benghazi yesterday.
The TNC has received overwhelming popular support from all regions of Libya. 
U.S. allies in the region, especially Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and Chad need to be pressured to recognize the new council. 
Furthermore, it is important that revenue from sales of Libya's oil go to the TNC. The Libyan population need to have full command of their nation's resources right away.  The Libyan populations in the liberated regions are suffering from shortage of food and medicine.
Contact with Qaddafi and his supporters can be maintained even after recognition of national council. The U.S. and other world powers can play an important role in finding refuge for Qaddafi if he decides to take that option.
But it is essential at this point  to recognize the newly formed Transitional National Council and to pull the plug on Qaddafi and his thugs immediately. 


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