[liberationtech] meme tracking methods
Deen Freelon
dfreelon at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 10:51:37 PST 2011
A recent memetracking study by Leskovec, Backstrom, and Kleinberg was
profiled in the NYT awhile back. Here's a link to the actual paper:
You also may be interested in the Berkman Center's Media Cloud
application (http://www.mediacloud.org/) which may do some of what you
want. ~DEEN
On 3/7/11 7:20 AM, Giuseppe A. Veltri wrote:
> Hi Alec,
> I am aware of services such as Row Feeder or Trendrr and my guess is
> that they work tracking hashtags. Do you know similar services that
> are either free or ways of obtaining similar data ?
> My idea is follow a topic to do a text mining semantic analysis of
> domains related to it. However, I am just exploring the idea...
> Thanks
> g
> -----------------------------------------
> Giuseppe A. Veltri
> personal email ga.veltri at gmail.com <mailto:ga.veltri at gmail.com>
> work email Giuseppe.Veltri at ec.europa.eu
> <mailto:Giuseppe.Veltri at ec.europa.eu>
> web http://www.giuseppeveltri.it/
> On 7 March 2011 15:41, Alec Muffett <alec.muffett at gmail.com
> <mailto:alec.muffett at gmail.com>> wrote:
> On 7 Mar 2011, at 13:55, Giuseppe A. Veltri wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > Can you suggest me recent papers that have successfully
> implemented meme-tracking methodologies (using whatever source) ?
> Hi Giuseppe,
> The first thing that went through my mind was "google for hashtags".
> Or are you looking at memes differently ?
> -a
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Deen Freelon
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Communication
University of Washington
dfreelon at uw.edu
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