[liberationtech] Creating a Pirate FM Radio

John Hicks johnhicks at gulfbridge.net
Sun Mar 6 20:44:49 PST 2011

The Prometheus Radio Project <http://prometheusradio.org/international> 
is a resource that may be of great help to you. Although their current 
focus is on establishing community stations in the U.S., in the past 
they have been quite active internationally. If you can contact Pete 
Tridish, their founder and retired but longtime leader, he could supply 
you with a wealth of information regarding how to go about reaching the 
people of a country via unlicensed radio.
Good luck,
John Hicks

On 03/06/2011 07:35 AM, Walid Al-Saqaf wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I'm not sure if you are following the news from my home country Yemen. 
> Demonstrations there have been increasing in number and area and have 
> reached a stage where demonstrators occupied areas of over one square 
> kilometer in strategic areas in main cities. I have been approached by 
> demonstrators who wish to broadcast what is being said at the main 
> stages. This includes announcements, speeches, songs, etc. A 
> suggestion was to use a low-budget pirate FM radio solution. I have 
> heard before that this type of technology is widely accessible but 
> ranges are quite limited. Some experiments took place in Belarus as 
> far as I know. But if there are ways to place amplifiers in strategic 
> locations in main cities, I think it could have a tremendous effect, 
> especially for a population that relies on radio and TV in receiving 
> information.
> Any clues or ideas of where to get information to help in this area? 
> There is a budget of $5000 for such a solution. Is that enough? This 
> is one of the websites I found about recently: 
> http://hubpages.com/hub/pirate-fm-broadcast-transmitter and it 
> mentioned the ability to broadcast to a range of 2km. That would be a 
> good start.
> Thanks in advance, and do keep a close eye on Yemen as there may be 
> some surprises in the near future!
> Sincerely,
> Walid
> -----------------
> Walid Al-Saqaf
> Founder & Administrator
> alkasir for mapping and circumventing cyber censorship
> https://alkasir.com
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