[liberationtech] Debate brewing on @Liberationtech Twitter

Peter Lindener lindener.peter at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 23:09:40 PST 2011

    Felow Lib-Techy's

   I watch in sadness as the bloodshed in Libya unfolds....
I think we need to do some self assessment, as these activist choosing to
somehow with there lives on the line try to free there country...

   Civil war is never pretty...and that is indeed, what the Internet
Revolution has come to mean for many in that troubled land.....   Now we can
debate, strong v's week ties and there influence on social trends including
potential revolution....but this is not in any sense for those caught in the
cross fire a spectator sport.   Family members are crying over loved ones
they have suddenly lost.....   People are fleeing there homes and praying
they can make it to a safer place to take refuge, with nothing but the shirt
if even that on there back....

   I cry as I write this,   We need to do better,   We need to make it so
these unheard  disenfranchised voices, can collectively be heard....

   Some have come to say, that the dream I hold so dear in my life, has no
That the Aggregation of Social Consensus...is just a dream....I ask of all
of you,..
Could we make the dream that these people might someday have a voice, as
they morn the loss of there loved ones a reality?....

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