[liberationtech] Cyber-sceptics wanted!

Alec Muffett alec.muffett at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 11:34:40 PST 2011

On 2 Mar 2011, at 19:18, Collin Anderson wrote:

> Right, I would suggest, then, that the comparative section of any local political science department would be able to provide more than a few people willing to debate the topic.

Oh yes indeed - but who would care to watch such sport?

It would about be as interesting as Paris Hilton arguing with a medical dietician about how much fruit someone should eat each day.

"After all, she's skinny, so she must _really_ know..."

Can we please go back to saving the world's people from killing one another, rather than pandering to this philosophy-student navel gazing and "pseud's corner" stuff? 


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