[liberationtech] Cyber-sceptics wanted!

P.A.Bernal at lse.ac.uk P.A.Bernal at lse.ac.uk
Wed Mar 2 10:21:40 PST 2011

Hi Brie

Can you let me know as soon as details are sorted? I'm currently based at both the LSE in London and the UEA in Norwich, and though it's not really my area of expertise I have colleagues and students who would definitely be interested.


Paul Bernal

-----Original Message-----
From: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu on behalf of Brie Rogers Lowery
Sent: Wed 3/2/2011 4:46 PM
To: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: [liberationtech] Cyber-sceptics wanted!
Hi there,

As you'll all no doubt be aware, following recent events in Egypt, Tunisia
and across the Middle East there has been significant debate both on and
offline around the merits of digital protests and activism and the role it
has had to play in these revolutions. This has sparked a broader
conversation around the role of social media networks in political and
social advocacy and how significant the internet is as a tool for change.

I'm arranging a debate in Oxford, United Kingdom on the topic of *'Activism
vs. Slacktivism'* (currently scheduled for Monday 21st March) and am hoping
that some of you on this list might be able to assist with some suggestions
for speakers for it.

The debate we're running will, as the name suggests, discuss the extent to
which digital activism and online mobilisation can be used as a tool to
effectively lobby for political and social change.

We've already got some great speakers confirmed from several International
not-for-profits, bloggers and journalists but we're looking for some more
people from the opposite end of the spectrum - i.e the 'cyber-sceptics' or
rather those who believe that the internet is not a tool for effective
change (such as was discussed by Gladwell in The New
So do you know of anyone (preferably based in the UK as we're unfortunately
unable to cover travel or participation costs outside the UK) who would be
appropriate to speak on this? *For those not in the UK but who would be
interested in taking part a video link could be be a possibility.*

*The debate will take place on the eve of the annual eCampaigning
Forum<http://fairsay.com/ecf11>which brings together experienced
campaigners and/or digital practitioners
from around the world to connect and share the latest practices and
developments in e-campaigning. *(You can see who is attending the 2011 ECF
here <http://apply.ecampaigningforum.com/ecf2011/practitioners> or if you're
interested in coming along you can do so here:
http://apply.ecampaigningforum.com/?s=lt )*

I've attached some more information on the debate but suggestions/idea would
be much appreciated so do get in touch if you have any!

All the best and many thanks,

Brie Rogers Lowery

Freelance eCampaigner
*FairSay - Making Campaigning Count*
+44 (0)7940 540021
www.FairSay.com <http://www.fairsay.com/>
www.breezythinking.com <http://brierl.wordpress.com/>

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