[liberationtech] FW: Learn about Free and Open Source Software at Penguin Day D.C. - March 20th

Deborah Elizabeth Finn deborah_elizabeth_finn at post.harvard.edu
Tue Mar 1 08:01:45 PST 2011

(Dear Libertation Tech Colleagues:  I attended Penguin Days in Seattle
and New Orleans, and I hardly know how to praise them highly enough.
Let's just say that it's a quasi-religious experience - see
<http://ow.ly/45BFm> <http://ow.ly/45BGE>.  If you're planning to
attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Washington, it makes
sense to stick around another day for a high-quality learning
experience.  Best regards from Deborah)

-----original message------
From: Ryan W. Ozimek <cozimek at picnet.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:02 AM
Subject: [501 Tech Club Boston] Learn about Free and Open Source
Software at Penguin Day D.C. - March 20th
To: "501techclub-boston at groups.nten.org" <501techclub-boston at groups.nten.org>

Hi 501TechClub Boston friends,

Penguin Day is coming to Washington DC on Sunday, March 20, right
after the Non-Profit Technology Conference.  If you're going to the
NTC, coming here is another heaping spoon of open source knowledge you
can bring back to your team.  We'd love to see you there!

Josephine Butler Parks Center
2437 15th Street NW
Washington, DC
10am - 4pm
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Register here:  <http://ow.ly/45BMW>

Penguin Days are designed to let nonprofits and social justice
activists learn about free and open source software that can support
their work and potentially save them money, including tools for web
publishing, fundraising, blogging, and campaigning.

Sessions will include

* Introduction to Free and Open Source Software

* Making sense of Free and Open Source Content Management Systems

* Participating in Free and Open Source Communities

* Introduction to Blogging with Wordpress

* Introduction to Free and Open Source Desktop Applications

* Free Culture, Creative Commons And Open Content

* Managing Constituents with CiviCRM

* Mozilla Drumbeat and the Open Web

...and we encourage anyone who wants to add or request a session topic to do so!

Penguin Day DC 2011 is happening a short distance away from the NTC.

We invite you to register now for Penguin Day DC.  Self-serve
sliding-scale registrations available.  Contact us for more info:
info at aspirationtech.org.

Penguin Day DC 2011 is organized by your friends at Aspiration and
PICnet. It's looking to be a great day and we hope to see lots of you


Empower your organization with a new Web site!
Non-Profit Soapbox

Ryan W. Ozimek
PICnet, Inc. - http://www.picnet.net
1605 Connecticut Ave, NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20009
P: 202.585.0239
F: 202.280.1175
T: http://www.twitter.com/cozimek
"Empowering the missions of non-profits through technology"

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