[liberationtech] VJ Um Amel and R-Shief in the press| Al-Masry Al-Youm, DML, & Art Territories

Laila Shereen Sakr sakr at usc.edu
Wed Jun 29 09:58:42 PDT 2011

I just returned from Cairo a couple days ago...to find 4 articles on me and my work published over the last week -- in Egyptian newspaper, Al-Masry Al-Youm; in the scholarly blog, Digital Media and Learning; and contemporary Arab arts journal, Art Territories. See links to articles below.  

Tweet this:  R-Shief has received  20,981 hits since we launched on June 10 (in less than 3 weeks)!! 


new site// 

 VJ Um Amel hits ‘the social’ in media | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt 
Laila Shereen Sakr, digitally known as VJ Um Amel, speaks fondly about the real-time mixing between theory and practice. Her project, R-Shief, launched in early June, illustrates this new methodological approach to questioning and learning. more... 

 Digital Learning and the Arab Spring | DMLcentral 
As revolution and revolt spreads across the Arab world, Americans often see social networking sites and online video as playing a starring role. Whether it is testimony about police brutality or jubilation in the squares, examples of so-called witness journalism captured by cell phone cameras, webcams. more... 

 Interview with VJ Um Amel by Youmna Chlala | ArtTerritories
VJ Um Amel’s work takes hold of the dizzying speed at which image, text and communication collide and transform it into intentional markers of identity and possibility. As we discuss the role of reproduction, distance and theft in contemporary art, we also get a little closer to understanding Donna Haraway’s assertion that “race, gender, and capital require a cyborg theory of wholes and parts.” more...

 Democratizing knowledge: A24KD's second annual conference
Moving to the broad field of democratized online content through social media, Laila Shereen Sakr, founder of R-Shief, a platform for online data mining and semantic content analysis, spoke of the crucial function of analyzing this content using both human and technical factors. more...

A Video Remix of Sakr's Talk at "The Access to Knowledge for Development's (A2K4D) second annual workshop" at AUC's Tahrir Campus in Cairo, Egypt on June 14, 2011. 
Tribute to Cairo: A VJ Remix

"Presented online at panel on "Al-Sha’ab Yureed" (The People Demand): Transmitting the Revolution" on 26 June 2011. For more information at VJ Um Amel, R-Shief, and her recent work on the Arab Spring, see recent reviews and media coverage: VJ Um Amel hits ‘the social’ in media | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt by Lina Attalah, Digital Learning and the Arab Spring | DMLcentral by Liz Losh, Interview with VJ Um Amel by Youmna Chlala in Art Territories, and Democratizing Knowledge: A2K4D's Second Annual Conference by Steven Viney.

Involves VJ Um Amel.

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