[liberationtech] Enhancing Visual Privacy / Defeating Online Face Recognition

Brian Conley brianc at smallworldnews.tv
Tue Jun 28 12:02:25 PDT 2011

Glad to know you are considering it. It's something I hadn't realized myself
until I started looking at a number of "obscured" photos.

I think its definitely important for us as a community of individuals
promoting security practices to ensure that endusers comprehend the
distinction, and recognize that simply blurring a face, though it may be
enough to prevent the use of an image as "Evidence" in a court of law, that
is not the same as ensuring an image cannot support extra-judicial action or
response from a repressive state actor.


On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Nathan of Guardian <
nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:

> On 06/28/2011 02:45 PM, Brian Conley wrote:
> > I look forward to testing the app, but I hope you'll take these concerns
> > into consideration!
> Excellent points. I think our focus on the face is in large part due to
> the increasing automated use of technology to recognize a face, and
> match that to a stored record from a government issued ID card. When you
> add humans to the mix, it becomes much easier to generally identify a
> setting, group or individual from specific context clues or even body
> languages.
> While we don't specifically promote this, our app can actually obscure
> or redact multiple square or rectangle regions of the image. It does not
> just have to be a face. We also have a reverse "bgPixelizer" filter,
> which pixelizes everything outside the selected region.
> You can see some examples of this on our ironic Facebook page:
> https://www.facebook.com/obscuracam
> best,
>  nathan
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Brian Conley
Director, Small World News
m: 646.285.2046
Skype: brianjoelconley
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