[liberationtech] Web Symposium: To Regulate or Not to Regulate the Internet

Jochai Ben-Avie jochai at accessnow.org
Fri Jun 24 12:28:56 PDT 2011

Hi Everyone,

Please tune in on Monday June 27 at noon EST for the following live
symposium. It's the second in a series of Access Live events on the future
of the internet. Apologies for cross-posting. Hope everyone has a great


Jochai Ben-Avie
Policy Analyst
Access <https://www.accessnow.org/>
*Live Web Symposium Monday June 27 Noon EST: *
*“To Regulate or Not to Regulate the Internet, That’s The Question"*

*When:* Monday, June 27 at 12:00-1.15 PM EST (day prior to the *OECD
High-Level Meeting* on The Internet Economy)*
Location: *Panelists from across the world will be *streamed live* at

• Marietje Schaake (Member of the European Parliament, Holland)
• Susan Crawford (Former ICANN Board Member, Professor at Cardozo Law School
• Chuck Cosson (Senior Policy Counsel, Microsoft)
• Arthit Suriyawongkul (Coordinator, Thai Netizen Network)
• Joe McNamee (Advocacy Manager, European Digital Rights (EDRi))
• Alberto Cerda (Derechos Digitales, Professor in Law at the University of
Chile Law School)
For the first time, the G8 Heads of State explicitly discussed internet
policy last month; the OECD is holding a High-Level Meeting to discuss “The
Internet Economy” next week; nearly a dozen countries are negotiating a
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement with real implications for online
intermediary liability; and this week the Dutch are the first country in
Europe to make net neutrality law.

This ACCESS LIVE event, an online live-streamed symposium, will give an
overview of recent developments in internet policy, discuss the implications
that regulation has had and will likely have on users in the future, and
discuss what a roadmap to smart and user-centric governance of the net might
look like.*

Please join us for this in-depth and dynamic discussion. See you online on
Monday June 27 noon EST athttps://www.accessnow.org/live*

Jochai Ben-Avie
Access | Policy Analyst
jochai at accessnow.org
+1-888-414-0100 x704 (tel)
JochaiBen-Avie (skype)
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