[liberationtech] gTLDs and censorship

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Wed Jun 22 10:47:32 PDT 2011

Steve Weis wrote:
> Short answer: Yes, it's trivial to filter specific TLDs, but it won't
> matter unless laws requiring their use were strictly enforced.
> Censorship was a motivation for the ".xxx" TLD, which went into
> operation this year. The idea is that if all the porn sites were .xxx
> domains, it would be easier to block them. In practice, porn sites may
> voluntarily register a .xxx domain, but are still going to keep their
> existing domains. Censors will add a filter to block all .xxx domains
> and business will go on as usual.
> Censoring .xxx will not make any difference unless porn sites are
> legally required to use it. This was proposed by US Senators Mark
> Pryor and Max Baucus in the "Cyber Safety for Kids Act", but it died
> in committee. That's not surprising since it would be hard to enforce
> and most likely challenged in court.

And then it's pretty simple to bypass DNS entirely by publishing IP 
addresses (ever notice how much spam contains links to numeric addresses?).

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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