[liberationtech] Open-source GSM network update

Moxie Marlinspike moxie at thoughtcrime.org
Mon Jun 20 13:06:00 PDT 2011

On 06/20/2011 03:13 PM, Katrin Verclas wrote:
> At that point, Freeswitch was connecting out to the Internet over
> Tor, to reach our VoIP service provider. We then dialed a number on
> the sub-$30 USD GSM phone connected to our special private GSM
> network, and that call was routed out via Freeswitch over Tor. The
> receiving phone (running on a large US MNO), received a call, and it
> came through loud and clear.

How did you handle this at the transport layer?  Last I checked, Tor
doesn't support UDP.  Is it possible that the TorRouter thing you're
running only handles TCP, and just lets UDP pass straight through?

- moxie


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