[liberationtech] Mesh Networks?

Miles Fidelman mfidelman at meetinghouse.net
Sun Jun 19 16:51:24 PDT 2011

Charles N Wyble wrote:
> I've built a few mesh networks. They are pretty easy now days. Check 
> out http://www.villagetelco.org . They have produced a turn key 
> firmware. Two actually. One for running a VOIP network and one for 
> campus/enterprise networks. I have used both images (and did the 
> original work to modify the VOIP image into the enterprise one).
> Mesh works. It's mature. The access layer can be mesh. On gear that's 
> ~100.00 delivered. Check out http://www.ubnt.com. Nanostation2/5 is 
> what's used by anyone doing commodity hardware with open source 
> software meshes. There is also routerboard.com running a proprietary 
> Linux build (though I found out last night that you can run openwrt on 
> those boards).

Charles, Do you have any case studies you can point to (village telco's 
"deployments" page still says *"*stand by?"  I've seen lots of small 
meshes, but no detailed descriptions of larger ones.  I'd sort of like 
to know about real experience with very large mesh networks - what's the 
largest serious network you've seen (number of nodes, geographic 
coverage, etc.).  What kind of performance has been seen (say, for VoIP 
over a long enough path that traffic passes through dozens of nodes)?

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In<fnord>  practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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