[liberationtech] working on human rights in mental health

David W. Oaks oaks at mindfreedom.org
Fri Jun 17 15:36:59 PDT 2011

Hi LibTech Folk,

I've been on list just a bit, thought I'd do a quick intro.

This is my 35th year as a community organizer activist in a  
challenging human rights field:

	People in the psychiatric system.

For 25 years I've directed MindFreedom International, one of the main  
independent coalitions in this field, with our office based here in  
downtown Eugene, Oregon, upstairs in the historic Growers Market  
building (where about a dozen activist nonprofit social change groups  
have offices).

Our tech needs are mainly about our web site (Plone based) and using  
web 2.0 tools to encourage participation (like Facebook).

If anyone wants more info, see our web site at http://www.mindfreedom.org 
  or e-mail me at oaks at mindfreedom.org.

BELOW this is a P.S. with a note I sent to "Radical Tech" list, which  
I guess a number of you are on, so I didn't want to duplicate. It's  
looking for someone to help with adding content for a stipend, please  
forward any of this if you wish.


David W. Oaks, Executive Director, MindFreedom International

P.S. Here's what I sent to that other list.... any leads let me know....

Hi Rad Techies,

This is NOT a message for super-duper tech experts because you're  
probably busy designing the next quantum powered neural net to save  
humanity (hurry!).

This is, instead, a message for activist-friendly radical techies  
somewhat familiar with CMS's such as Plone, who may want a small  
stipend to help good cause.

We already have webmasters taking care of our more technical needs for  
our Plone-driven web site, so we do NOT require intensive programming  
on back end or anything. No need to know a Python from a Zope.

But at a leadership teleconference, we identified that we do need help  
working with our staff managing and improving site content with us.  
Obviously, you can live anywhere in the world.

The cause:

We at MindFreedom celebrate our 25th anniversary one of the main  
activist groups working to change mental health system. Unlike most of  
our friends in mental health advocacy, we are independent of funding  
from the mental health system itself. That means we have low  
resources, we are grassroots as it gets, but we can do human rights  
activism campaigns, like the ones we've done on involuntary  
electroshock (yep, still happening, even here in USA).

If you are intrigued, you can check out our website here:


Feel free to google around about us, we're the real deal. This is my  
35th year doing this unique community organizing work. (The topic may  
seem marginal to sum, but in my experience the general population is  
suffering from extreme overwhelm... nearly everyone has friend or  
family in system... and it's folks called 'normal' who are, say,  
wrecking the environment!)

The stipend would help defer your costs for Internet access,  
equipment. Though given we're talking about computer help, in a way  
you'd be like all of us in this field -- kind of a donor!

If still interested, e-mail me off list at oaks at mindfreedom.org and  
say 'hi.'

And feel free to forward this to anyone, especially Plone or other CMS  
friendly folk.



David W. Oaks, Executive Director
MindFreedom International
454 Willamette, Suite 216 - POB 11284
Eugene, OR 97440-3484 USA

web: http://www.mindfreedom.org
email: oaks at mindfreedom.org
office phone: 541-345-9106 fax: 480-287-8833
member services toll free in USA: 1-877-MAD-PRID[e] or 1-877-623-7743

Unite for a Nonviolent Revolution in Mental Health.

Join now! http://www.mindfreedom.org/join-donate

"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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