[liberationtech] Greeting From SudaneseGuardian & Intro to Wa3i for Change

sudanese guardian sudaneseguardian at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 04:06:24 PDT 2011

Dear Mr. Eric,
first of all thank you a lot for your comment and concern,  if i am not
mistaken i think you just said that the my blog is blocked in china,
i didn't know that but i would not be shocked knowing that the relationship
between the Sudanese government and china is "wonderful" but it is good to
know that you can access it :), i just even heard that sudanese president is
planning a visit to china next week you can read about the news here
http://www.sudantribune.com/Sudanese-president-planning-a,39220. about your
question technically speaking i am from the northern part of Sudan.  about
you question about cyber-censorship  youtube has been block several times in
sudan, for example lately it has been block in the last election time for
one activist posting a clip that shows voting ballots being stuffed and you
can see the clip here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_905SmMV3E and the
news about it here http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8633162.stm. even
when opposition party starting to point out to
this evidence of electoral fraud the Sudanese National Election
Commission Representative Alhadi Mohamed Ahmed said " we will not
investigate anything that appears on the internet" but it seems that now
they will do for sure not not investigating the problem but the people who
point to the problem , the Sudanese government is working on a new method of
tracking facebook group, twitter acount and blogs, you can read more about
it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12829808. as for me SG, i know
how to handle it, i will not stop blogging and i will keep on tweeting and
that is for sure. as for other domains that are blocked, you can say they
are blocked for several month and unblocked, for example sudaneseonline was
blocked for a while and then unblocked, all the short address are blocked to
my understanding and by the way i have been told that the short address that
i use which is http://me.lt/ and other are blocked. i guess the truth
sometime hurts, by the way if you want to know more
about Sudanese activities opinion and activities online, i just started a
new hash tag in twitter called #sudan4change if you search it you can
find interesting debate about how Sudanese interact online. i hope i did
answer question and wish you all the best.

best regards

2011/6/14 Eric S Johnson <crates at oneotaslopes.org>

> Dear SG,
> It’s nice to hear from you and about Wa3i and your blog (which is blocked
> from here I China) (looks as if it hasn’t been updated for a while, so
> clearly the Great Firewall doesn’t stop me J).
>                Are you from the part of Sudan which will be the new
> northern country, or the new southern country?
> I’m not a corruption expert, so I’m not sure I can very easily answer your
> question about how to categorise it.
> I do have a question, though: do you encounter cybercensorship in Sudan at
> all? You wrote, a year ago, that YouTube’s been blocked—is it still? Is that
> the only blocked domain?
> Best,
> Eric
> *From:* liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu [mailto:
> liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu] *On Behalf Of *sudanese
> guardian
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 14 June 2011 16:26
> *To:* liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
> *Subject:* [liberationtech] Greeting From SudaneseGuardian & Intro to Wa3i
> for Change
> Dear All,
> hi and how are you all, i hope this letter finds you all in good health and
> happiness, i am SG who blogs at http://sudaneseguardian.blogspot.com/, it
> is nice to get to be part of this Mail list and i am learning a lot from it.
> in this email i would like to introduce to you about my latest  project for
> Sudan.  as a Sudanese, i feel that it is important for me to start a project
> that promote Social Justice and Good Governance and hence i was looking for
> a way other then blogging at http://sudaneseguardian.blogspot.com and
> tweeting about Sudan at *@SudanGuardian<http://twitter.com/#!/SudanGuardian>
> * , I thought that my next project should be with the help of Ushahidi
> great tool of  where i want to create a new project that track corruption
> and embezzlement. knowing that Sudan is listed among Transparency
> International’s Corruption Perceptions index for 2010 as 172 out of 176. one
> of the world most corrupted nation and i feel that if we Sudanese don’t
> stand up against corruption and embezzlement in our own country then i
> believe no one would do so. Hence wa3i was born, the site is at
> http://wa3i.crowdmap.com/ hosted by crowd-sourcing map and using ushahidi
> as all of you know a wonderful program programmed by wonderful
> and talented people of Ushahidi. It was not long ago that I start this small
> project and it is still in the development stage. As all of you know
> Ushahidi is wonderful and make it very easy to program Ushahidi
>  crowd-sourcing map and I thank them a lot for that, my main work was done
> on the categorization of corruption and embezzlement, I wanted to make it a
> simple as possible and as easy to understand as possible. I am sure a lot of
> you might have had some experience making crowd-sourcing map or are doing
> project that are similar to this one, If you are working on similar project
> to this one and want to work together or can suggest advice to improve this
> map please feel free to suggest ways to improve it and I would be grateful
> for you advice. especially i am having hard
> time working categorization of corruption in a simple way for everyone to
> understand. Here is some basic information about the project
> Name: Wa3i For Change - واعي لاجل التغير <http://wa3i.crowdmap.com/> Theme:
> Spreading Awareness One Click at a time
> Introduction:
> Welcome to Wa3i for Change
> There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says “It's better to light a
> candle then to curse the darkness.” As Sudanese we all hold the right to
> pinpoint the wrong doing that is happening in the Sudan, we must be at the
> forefront stage of fighting corruption and embezzlement. As you might have
> known or heard from the news or read on published articles, Sudan is ranking
> among the world most corrupted Nation on earth. The ranking for Sudan
> according to the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions index
> for 2010 is 172 out of 176, joining other worst state in the ranking index
> such as Somalia, Myanmar and Afghanistan. Hence the need for the Sudanese
> people to pinpoint corruption in the Sudan is of the out most importance.
> Through this website you can voice your opinion, thoughts or issues that
> affect us all who are part of the Sudan. If you have a website that talk
> about corruption in Sudan please share it here, if you have experienced
> corruption at first hand tell us about your experience or even ways to fight
> corruptions. I would like to point out one important point and that is, this
> ushahidi map is for all of us so if you see there is a need for introducing
> a new category please feel free to suggest it and I would add it right away.
> Wish you all the best and looking forward to reading your comment, links or
> experience.
> Wish you all the best on your research and studies
> Thank you for reading this email
> Best regards
> SG
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