[liberationtech] organizational resource

Douglas Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue Jul 26 17:29:06 PDT 2011

As part of the mission of the Public Sphere Project and as part of our  
charge of carrying on some of CPSR's legacy we've started to build an  
organizational resource including a "big tent" of  social change  
organizations from all over the world that have a focus on information  
and communication — traditional and  state-of-the-art; formal and  
informal; civil society, educational, government, and business. We now  
have information for about 40 organizations in the system.


We will be relying on the community to keep the information current.

To add a new entry or make any changes to an existing one you will  
need a Public Sphere Project account. As soon as you've filled out the  
requested information, let me know and I'll unblock your account.  
(This is our way of keeping junk accounts to a minimum.)

If you would like to change the entry for your organization you should  
let me know and I can transfer ownership to your account.

We're hoping that the volunteer opportunities field for the  
organizations could be useful.

Please feel free to send this note to other organizations who may want  
to add their information.

Also please give us any feedback or suggestions as to other resources  
we might be able to add to the Public Sphere Project site.


-- Doug

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org

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