[liberationtech] Google Faculty Research Awards Program in Social Systems

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jul 25 14:50:49 PDT 2011

Faculty Research Awards program
Google research <http://research.google.com/> › University
 Google’s mission: Organize the world's information and make it universally
accessible and useful.

At Google, we are committed to develop new technologies to help our users
find and use information. While we do significant in-house research and
engineering, we also maintain strong ties with academic institutions
worldwide pursuing innovative research in core areas relevant to our
mission. As part of that vision, the Google Research Awards program aims to
identify and support world-class, full-time faculty pursuing research in
areas of mutual interest.

We are currently accepting applications for our latest round of the Faculty
Research Awards program. Please read all guidelines, advice, and FAQs before
filling out the proposal submission
Please ignore the warning on the linked form. If you have questions or
concerns about the form, please email research-awards at google.com.

The application deadline for our current round is August 1, 2011, at 11:59
PDT. Applications submitted after that date will be carried over to our
February 1, 2012 round.
What are Google Research Awards?

The purpose of this program is to facilitate more interaction between Google
and academia and also nurture stronger relations and partnerships with
universities. The intent of the awards program is to support academic
research aimed at improving information access (defined broadly). Google
funds Research Awards unrestricted and retains no intellectual property from
the research. We prefer if the results from the research are open sourced
and widely published. Awards through this program are for one year in the
range from $10K-$150K. Areas that are of particular interest include (but
are not limited to):

   - Economics and market algorithms
   - Education innovation
   - Geo/maps
   - Health
   - Human-computer interaction
   - Information retrieval, extraction, and organization
   - Machine learning and data mining
   - Machine translation
   - Mobile
   - Multi-media search and audio/video processing
   - Natural language processing
   - Policy and standards
   - Security and privacy
   - Social systems
   - Software Engineering
   - Software and hardware systems infrastructure
   - Speech
   - Structured data and database management

Award recipients will be assigned a Google Sponsor, through whom they can
discuss research directions, provide progress updates, engage in knowledge
transfer, etc. Google maintains an academic environment that we would like
to share with our award recipients, so we invite them to visit our
facilities, to give talks related to their work, and to engage in
discussions with our research groups. By sharing new ideas and key insights,
we hope that both Google and award recipients will find mutual benefits.
 Applying for Google Research Awards

To apply for a Google research award, faculty members should use the
following general guidelines for proposal submission:

   - Eligibility: Full-time faculty members from universities worldwide may
   submit proposals describing the research they wish to pursue. Faculty
   members should submit only one proposal per funding cycle.
   - Deadlines: February 1st and August 1st of each year. If the deadline
   falls on a weekend or holiday, it will roll-over to the next business day.
   - Proposals must be submitted via an online application form. A link to
   the form will be added to this page approximately 1 month before the next
   application deadline. In addition to completing the online form, you will be
   asked to upload a single PDF file that includes the following sections:
      1. Overview
         - Proposal Title
         - Principal Investigator (PI) full name, contact information
         (postal address, email address, phone), affiliation
(university, school,
         college and/or department)
         - [optional] The name(s) of one or more Google contacts: someone at
         Google who is familiar with your professional work.
         - [optional] The name(s) of one or more Google sponsors: someone at
         Google with whom you are already discussing this proposal. Google will
         assign a technical sponsor to each approved proposal if you
do not provide
      2. Proposal (maximum three pages, when combined with the overview)
         - Abstract
         - Research goals, including a problem statement
         - Description of the work you'd like to do, and the expected
         outcomes and results.
         - How this relates to prior work in the area (including your own,
         if relevant).
         - Please refer to this
         applicants from the group of engineers that review proposals for this
         - Google will not review any proposal containing confidential or
         proprietary information, so please don't include any such
material in your
      3. Budget (maximum one page)
         - The amount requested should be less than $150,000, and for no
         more than one year. The average amount across awards is
$55,000 with the
         bulk of the awards in the $45,000 to $100,000 range.
         - The budget section should provide a breakdown across major line
         items (such as student salary, student tuition, PI salary, etc).
         - Awards should usually go towards supporting one or two graduate
         students for one academic year.
         - Awards are structured unrestricted , and cover direct costs only.
         Please do not include indirect costs/overhead in the budget.
         - Travel costs are supported sometimes at very modest levels.
         - In very rare cases, some costs of specialized hardware or
         software are allowed.
         - Renewals for a second year are made upon reapplication during
         future rounds and are heavily dependent on the quality of the
outcome during
         the first year.
      4. CV of the PI(s)

 Interested in finding out more?

Please refer to these Frequently Asked
more information as well as how to reach us if you cannot find the answer to
your question.
 Information about Google research

If you'd like to find out more about some the research done in the past by
Google's technical staff, you can visit the Google Research
Among other things you will find a list of papers and books by
Googlers<http://research.google.com/pubs/papers.html> on
a wide range of topics.
 ©2011 Google
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