[liberationtech] What'ya all think of Telex?

Michael Rogers m-- at gmx.com
Fri Jul 22 01:10:13 PDT 2011

Hi Katrin,

It seems to me that the best candidates for Telex stations would be
popular websites that support HTTPS and that would be politically
awkward for censoring regimes to block.

I say "popular" because the station must already be receiving enough
HTTPS traffic that the extra Telex traffic won't attract attention;
"website" because I can't think of a reliable way for an untrained user
to make sure their traffic passes through a particular host unless that
host is the destination; and "awkward for censoring regimes to block"
because otherwise we're back to the whack-a-proxy game.

If I'm right about those criteria, there are only a few good candidates
- but a few may be enough, if censors are genuinely reluctant to block
those sites.

On the other hand, perhaps censors will be able to achieve a balance
that's acceptable to them by blocking HTTPS access to those sites while
allowing HTTP access.


On 22/07/11 03:46, Katrin Verclas wrote:
> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/07/researchers-develop-end-to-middle-anti-censorship-tech.ars?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rss
> Curious what the esteemed colleagues think of this circumvention scheme?  Discuss.
> Katrin Verclas
> MobileActive.org
> katrin at mobileactive.org
> skype/twitter: katrinskaya
> (347) 281-7191
> A global network of people using mobile technology for social impact
> http://mobileactive.org
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