[liberationtech] Fwd: FYI - Blackout Resilient Technologies Village at CCCamp...

Anne Roth annalist at riseup.net
Wed Jul 20 13:22:46 PDT 2011

.. but realize that ticket sales are closing tonight, in less than two
hours probably  - see http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Tickets


Am 15.07.11 19:31, schrieb Moritz Bartl:
> I'm happy to forward this invitation. Come live with us!
> Moritz from www.torservers.net
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: FYI - Blackout Resilient Technologies Village at CCCamp...
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:07:17 -0400
> From: Gustaf Björksten <gustaf at accessnow.org>
> Reply-To: gustaf at accessnow.org
> Organization: Access Now
> To: Gustaf Bjorksten <gustaf at accessnow.org>
> Hi all,
> This is a call to all you hackers out there working on projects in the
> blackout resilient technology area. Come hang for five days in an
> open-air camp with a group of like-minded folks and work on bringing
> these technologies to fruition for the ongoing benefit of humanity. This
> hackathon will be in Finowfurt, Germany (near Berlin) from August 10-14,
> 2011.
> "The Chaos Communication Camp is an international, five-day open-air
> event for hackers and associated life-forms. It provides a relaxed
> atmosphere for free exchange of technical, social, and political ideas.
> The Camp has everything you need: power, internet, food and fun. Bring
> your tent and participate!"
> (from http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Main_Page)
> "A village is a distinct area of the Camp that is run by a certain group
> or community. There is no central planning for the villages, besides
> villages with a special infrastructural need. Some villages are just a
> bunch of normal sleeping tents whose inhabitants feel a sense of
> community. Most of them have a public space to hang out together, work
> on a shared project, and present what they are doing. Many of them
> organize their own workshops or other events in which everybody can
> participate."
> (from http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Villages)
> This village is for folk working on Blackout Resilient Technologies such
> as infrastructure mesh networks for use when the 'normal' networking
> infrastructure is down or switched off, perhaps after a natural disaster
> or when a regime activates a 'kill switch' to shut off the internet or
> cellular network in an attempt to thwart the mobilization of opponents
> or activists. Think mesh networks, cell tower replacement, bridging
> communications technologies and 'internet in a briefcase' type stuff.
> This village also invites projects in areas such as censorship
> circumvention, anonymity, hacktivism, secure communications, network
> monitoring and early warning systems. Come and help build systems to
> ensure the open and free exchange of information for all peoples in all
> nations.
> (bookmark
> http://events.ccc.de/camp/2011/wiki/Blackout_Resilient_Technologies_Village
> for information updates as they come to hand)
> If you would like to participate in the Blackout Resilient Technologies
> Village please contact me, and if you are attending the CCCamp in
> another village please drop by our village and introduce yourself.
> Hope to see you there,


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