[liberationtech] Cloudflare - Any experience with the service?

Freerk freerk at gmx.net
Wed Jul 20 11:57:24 PDT 2011

I stumbled upon CloudFlare a few weeks ago and it sounds really great!

Its not only a *free* CDN but also a kind of Cloud-firewall which is 
supposed to filter all the bad stuff like DDoS attacks, SQL injections 
and even comment spam. If you do it right it is not possible for a third 
party to know where your server actually is (LulzSec did it wrong, 

I didn't have the time to test it though.

A good reference might be http://lulzsecurity.com/. They seem very happy 
about the service: https://twitter.com/#!/LulzSec/status/76542537078284288

There is also a blogpost "On LulzSec, Censorship & CloudFlare": 


On 07/20/2011 07:25 PM, Robert Guerra wrote:
> Curious what folks on this list think about Cloudflare
> <https://www.cloudflare.com/> and the caching services that they  offer.
> Would be keen to get some expert feedback before recommending it to
> at-risk sites .
> regards
> Robert
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