[liberationtech] Fwd: Hackathon/Tagathon for Egypt!

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 12 15:09:23 PDT 2011

Please forward to anyone who may be interested...



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sarina Beges <sbeges at stanford.edu>
Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Hackathon/Tagathon for Egypt!

Dear Friends,****

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I hope this finds you well. I am writing to solicit your help and support in
locating those with the technical capacity to help us in our upcoming
Hackathon/Tagathon for the Arab Spring this Saturday, July 16th at the Jen-
Hsun Huang Engineering Center at Stanford. We are looking for those with a
specific skill set to launch a new platform called Constitution Explorer.***

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The link to our EventBrite invitation can be found here:
http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1912447181. Please forward to your relevant
lists, contacts, and any other resources that may be helpful. Again, we are
not looking for a large crowd but 8-10 hackers with the skills outlined
below. ****

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Specifications for Hackers, Taggers and Linguists are as follows:****

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*HACKERS*: Our platform will be on Wordpress. We are interested in
identifying anyone with experience on Wordpress and PHP, along with those
possessing general web development skills: Html, CSS, Javascript, SQL. We'll
also have to deal with facebook/twitter (and google+??) integration, maybe a
little google map integration... You could also help out with building a
widget to integrate with wathiqah.com, the new Egyptian
crowdsourcingplatform that started in Hack4Egypt 2. There's a variety
of things to do.


*TAGGERS*: Those who are specialized in the fields of political science,
constitutional law and area studies who can read through constitutional text
and assist us with the tagging process.****


*LINGUISTS:* Those who can read foreign languages and help us in locating
native versions of the world’s constitutions to populate the database. We
have a special emphasis on the Arab world and have a particular interest in
those who can read Arabic.  ****


Your help and support is greatly appreciated!****

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Sarina Beges****

Program Manager****

Center on Democracy, Development, and The Rule of Law****

Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies****

Stanford University****


sbeges at stanford.edu****


[image: Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/StanfordCDDRL>[image:

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