[liberationtech] Content of tripleC: Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, Volume 9, Issue 1
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Sat Jul 2 03:47:30 PDT 2011
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the content list of tripleC: Journal for a Global
Sustainable Information Society, Volume 9, Issue 1 (2011),
tripleC content is now indexed in the databases Scopus and
Communication and Mass Media Complete. It is an open access journal
specializing in critical studies of digital media, media, communication
and information in the information society. It uses a Creative
Commons-license and makes all articles available online without payment by
authors and readers. tripleC especially encourages articles with
normative, political and critical assessments of information, media,
communication, the Internet and digital media and their societal contexts.
Issue 2 (2011) will besides regular articles feature a special section
about the China Conference on Foundations of Information Science, papers
from the session Political Economy and Critical Theory of the Internet
at the Nordmedia Conference 2011, and a special section about ICTs and
Society - A New Transdiscipline?.
We welcome article submissions, reflections and provocations about books,
articles, conferences, media politics as well as suggestions for special
issues in areas such as Critical Internet Studies, Critial
Media/Communication Studies, Critical Information Society Studies,
Critical Information Systems Research, Critical Theory of
Information/Media/Communication, Critical Political Economy/Marxist
Studies of Communication/Culture/Digital Media/Information/Media, Critical
Cultural Studies, Critical Information Science.
With kind regards,
Christian Fuchs
(Co-editor of tripleC)
tripleC, Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2011), http://www.triple-c.se/
Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
* Doing Research, Doing Politics: ICT Research as a Form of Activism
Juliet Webster, pp. 1-10
* Embracing Technology and the Challenges of Complexity
Alice Robbin, pp. 11-27
* Social Media for Digital and Social Inclusion: Challenges for
Information Society 2.0 Research & Policies
Pieter Verdegem, pp. 28-38
* From Financialization to Low and Non-Profit: Emerging Media Models for
Nuria Almiron-Roig, pp. 39-61
* Deconstructing Benthams Panopticon: The New Metaphors of Surveillance
in the Web 2.0 Environment
Manuela Farinosi, pp. 62-76
* Information is it Subjective or Objective?
Andrzej Stanislaw Zaliwski, pp. 77-92
* The Need for an Informational Systems Approach to Security
José María Díaz Nafría, pp. 93-122
Reflection Section (Non Peer-Reviewed)
* Book Review: Signs of Science - Linguistics meets Biology
Robert Prinz, pp. 123-125
tripleC, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (ongoing, further articles will be added),
* Privacy as Invisibility: Pervasive Surveillance and the Privatization of
Peer-to-Peer Systems
Francesca Musiani, pp. 126-140
* Selling You and Your Clicks: Examining the Audience Commodification of
Hyunjin Kang, Matthew P. McAllister, pp. 141-153
Prof. Christian Fuchs
Chair in Media and Communication Studies
Department of Informatics and Media
Uppsala University
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Box 513
751 20 Uppsala
christian.fuchs at im.uu.se
Tel +46 (0) 18 471 1019
NetPolitics Blog: http://fuchs.uti.at/blog
Editor of tripleC: http://www.triple-c.se
Book "Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies" (Routledge 2011)
Book "Internet and Society" (Paperback, Routledge 2010)
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