[liberationtech] Fwd: [peoplecount] Encryption no deterent to hackers of voting machines (fwd)

Pranesh Prakash pranesh at cis-india.org
Mon Jan 31 13:13:25 PST 2011

And how would a well-designed DRE with a paper audit trail not 
accomplish this?

On Tuesday 01 February 2011 02:41 AM, Steve Weis wrote:
> I am not defending the current state of direct-recording electronic
> (DRE) voting machines. Many are poorly designed, cannot be audited, or
> are deployed without proper oversight. I don't think either DRE
> machines or reverting back to hand-counted paper ballots are viable
> long-term solutions.
> I do think we can have election systems that are easy for voters to
> understand and use, inexpensive to administer, yet allow individual
> voters to ensure their vote was counted properly.

Pranesh Prakash
Programme Manager
Centre for Internet and Society
W: http://cis-india.org | T: +91 80 40926283

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