[liberationtech] Tor: Update on Internet censorship in Iran

Cyrus Farivar cfarivar at cfarivar.org
Sat Jan 22 03:04:32 PST 2011

Whole blog post is here:

Salient point is this:

In a short few months, Iran has vastly improved the sophistication of
their censorship technologies. Right now, the best option is to use
tor through open socks/https proxies. A risk is the open proxies can
see you are using tor, but cannot see the traffic passing through the
open proxy, for everything is wrapped in layers of encryption by Tor.
However, it appears the Iranian Potato Wall can detect Tor or not in
any case by analyzing the traffic on the wire. We have reports this is
true for other circumvention tools as well.


Cyrus Farivar
"suh-ROOS FAR-ih-var"

 Freelance Technology Journalist
cfarivar at cfarivar.org

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