[liberationtech] On Anonymous

Mick McQuaid mcq at umich.edu
Mon Feb 21 12:48:13 PST 2011

Is this the Catherine A. Fitzpatrick described at the


If so, the article makes the following claims:

* She is a critic of Wikileaks.

* She describes the open source movement as "technocommunism."

* She describes the students and professors of some university
  (Woodbury?) as "griefers" in connection to their use of
  second life.

* She describes "communism" as "fascism".

The above would explain for me the "known trolls" remark in
the previous message.

- Mick

... regarding a message from katrin at mobileactive.org on Feb 21:
> Let's not engage known trolls, please. 
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Michael McQuaid, Assistant Professor
School of Information, School of Art & Design
University of Michigan
4364 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2112
734-647-9550 voice  734-647-8045 fax
mcq at umich.edu       http://mickmcquaid.com

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