[liberationtech] Seeking: comments on Hillary Clintons internet speech

Olivier Tesquet olivier.tesquet at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 06:47:19 PST 2011

Hi all,

Here is a modest contribution from France, translated from Owni.fr to
Owni.eu. As Nicolas Sarkozy is watching Internet closely (it will be debated
at the G8 in the forthcoming month), we're carefully looking abroad.


Olivier Tesquet
+33 (0)6 47 82 05 71

http://owni.fr  I  twitter.com/oliviertesquet  I

2011/2/17 Rebecca MacKinnon <rebecca.mackinnon at gmail.com>

> FWIW, this just went up on Foreign Policy:
> http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/02/17/internet_freedom_in_the_age_of_assange
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Joey Mornin <
> jmornin at cyber.law.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Anne,
>> This email thread circulated yesterday on a Berkman Center list:
>> https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/node/6630
>> Best,
>> Joey
>> On 2/16/11 5:40 PM, Anne Roth wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm new, thus a short introduction: I'm Anne Roth, German blogger and
>>> media activist, live in Berlin. I've subscribed a month ago and am happy
>>> to see some familiar names and a lot of inspiring input.
>>> I was part of Indymedia when it was started in Germany 10 years ago, and
>>> have shifted towards blogging in 2007 after I got to be the collateral
>>> damage of a terrorism investigation directed at my partner who was
>>> suspected to be one of the masterminds of a leftwing terror group. I
>>> think I was the first to blog about what it's like to live with
>>> anti-terror surveillance in Germany. If you're interested in details:
>>> http://annalist.noblogs.org/mediathek/#en
>>> Since the case slowed down I started writing (and speaking) more
>>> generally about surveillance, data protection, privacy, repression,
>>> anything police-related, and good old media activism.
>>> The reason why I'm writing now is this: I have the dubious pleasure of
>>> being invited by the US embassy in Berlin tomorrow to discuss Hillary
>>> Clintons speech on 'the internet'. I'm in fact not following US policies
>>> on 'the internet' very closely.
>>> And so: if there's something you should think should be stressed, some
>>> details about current problems, law making, law cases you think ought to
>>> be mentioned: please let me know. URLs are just fine (but of course
>>> anything longer just as well).
>>> Anne
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> Rebecca MacKinnon
> Schwartz Senior Fellow, New America Foundation
> Co-founder, GlobalVoicesOnline.org
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