[liberationtech] Fwd: There is an app for online freedom - Hotspot Shield

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Fri Feb 18 06:16:32 PST 2011


   > Hi all, My first post in this list...

   > Hotspot Shield, Tor and Freegate are NOT working in
   > China... where I am now.
   > So, if somebody knows of an effective tool to bypass the Great
   > Firewall of China, I'll appreciate if you let me know!

While China has blocked all of the published Tor relays, there are a set
of relays (called "bridges") that are only published a few at a time in 
order to make it harder to block all of them.  You can try going here:


and following the instructions, or can read more about bridges here:


- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>
One Laptop Per Child

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