[liberationtech] The People vs. Professional Hackers

liberationtech at lewman.us liberationtech at lewman.us
Wed Feb 16 05:59:27 PST 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 12:17:25PM -0800, dderiso at ucsd.edu wrote 2.9K bytes in 79 lines about:
: I wanted to know what you think about the whole HBGary thing? Calling their
: work “proactive tactics,” this company will do everything from stalk your
: children to coding viruses and planting them on your computer. Are we
: equipped to deal with this legally? Should they be allowed to get business
: licenses?
: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/02/the-ridiculous-plan-to-attack-wikileaks.ars

I think this is a better side of the story,

Powerpoint is easy, security is hard.  "Stalking" people who share
everything on Facebook and Twitter is just comical.

pgp key: 0x74ED336B

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