[liberationtech] Narus- american company helped Egyptian goevernment to spy on its citizens?

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Thu Feb 10 14:52:38 PST 2011

On 02-10 22:41, John Graham-Cumming wrote:
> What's the sign of SmartFilter in use?  Is it a RST packet when you 
> wouldn't expect one or proxying the HTTP connection and giving you 
> some other page?

AFAIK, the latter with a HTTP 404 answer page.

The paper from Nart Villeneuve sais:

"When users attempt to access blocked content, they receive a page that 
appears to be a “File not found” error page but is in fact a block page 
designed to deceive users. Often, the use of errors, or in this case 
false errors, is designed to mask the fact that content is being blocked 
for political reasons."


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