[liberationtech] Narus- american company helped Egyptian goevernment to spy on its citizens?

Hal Roberts hroberts at cyber.law.harvard.edu
Thu Feb 10 08:06:51 PST 2011

No idea about direct evidence, but I would be surprised if it were not 
true.  A core of Narus' business is selling high performance 
surveillance boxes for exactly this kind of use -- they are the folks 
who built the box that was found in an AT&T backbone data center closet 
in 2006.  Interestingly for this case, Narus was founded by a couple of 

Here's a post I wrote about Narus a couple years ago:


Glancing at that post, I see that Narus listed Telecom Egypt as one of 
its representative customers.


On 2/10/11 9:58 AM, elham gheytanchi wrote:
> Hello:
> Just wondering if this is true?
> http://bikyamasr.com/wordpress/?p=26517
> Best,
> elham gheytanchi
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