[liberationtech] Controlling Human Rights Research

Enrique Piraces piracee at hrw.org
Sat Feb 5 14:51:11 PST 2011

I agree that Benetech/HRDAG is a good resource. 

For vis alternatives:

I have also looked at http://www.panopticon.com/ for vis software, not opensource. 
If you are thinking about large amounts of data, some ppl at nytimes have presented a few times on quite interesting ways to use processing (open source) for data viz.
Flare (http://flare.prefuse.org/) and protovis (http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/) may be an alternative for web based tools.

I'm also working on a evidence management sys, and would love to learn more about how is that you are approaching that. I have looked at Martus, OpenEvSys, and a few others


-----Original Message-----
From: liberationtech-bounces at lists.stanford.edu on behalf of Seth David Schoen
Sent: Sat 2/5/2011 5:23 PM
To: cantona7 at hushmail.com
Cc: liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] Controlling Human Rights Research
cantona7 at hushmail.com writes:

> On the same note, we are collecting very significant amounts of 
> information at the moment on incidents, victims and perpetrators. 
> We are looking for very advanced ways of managing, visualising, 
> data-mining and pattern analysis. Though we are a human rights 
> organisation, weI have looked at how policing and intelligence 
> organisations manage such information and that generally means 
> packages such as Sentinal Visualiser and i2 Analysts notebook. 
> While this offer many of the things that we owuld like to do, they 
> are eye-wateringly expensive! Does anyone know of similar options 
> which are cheaper and/or free/open source?

You should talk to the Human Rights Data Analysis Group at Benetech,
which develops and uses free software to do this kind of work.


Seth Schoen
Senior Staff Technologist                         schoen at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation                    https://www.eff.org/
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