[liberationtech] Controlling Human Rights Research

cantona7 at hushmail.com cantona7 at hushmail.com
Sat Feb 5 13:47:45 PST 2011

Hi there,
Many thanks for the feedback about the encerypted voice calls. Some 
interesting food for thought.

On the same note, we are collecting very significant amounts of 
information at the moment on incidents, victims and perpetrators. 
We are looking for very advanced ways of managing, visualising, 
data-mining and pattern analysis. Though we are a human rights 
organisation, weI have looked at how policing and intelligence 
organisations manage such information and that generally means 
packages such as Sentinal Visualiser and i2 Analysts notebook. 
While this offer many of the things that we owuld like to do, they 
are eye-wateringly expensive! Does anyone know of similar options 
which are cheaper and/or free/open source?

Many regards,

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