[liberationtech] What Makes a Liberation (or Repression) Technology?

Sheila Parks sheilaruthparks at comcast.net
Fri Feb 4 13:40:43 PST 2011

Thanks, Yosem, I hope someone sends it to me

AND, it is not only the ballots that concern me, but HOW the paper 
ballots are counted

I am sure all u here must b familiar with the Stalin quote about who 
counts the ballots controls the elections

AND, I am sure all u here have already or could or know of those who 
have hacked into op scam (not a typo, but from my good friend Lucius, 
who will come to this list, I hope, if I ever have time 2 ask him as 
Egypt is getting most of my time now) e-voting machines. And I won't 
even bother to mention DRE's, which, alas, count many votes in the USA

How does Egypt vote, does anyone know, while we r on this?

See our website, below, for hacking of the op scams


  At 04:12 PM 2/4/2011, Yosem Companys wrote:
>There's some great work done by Jeremy Weinstein (I believe) -- who 
>is a Stanford prof and a member of this list -- on making paper 
>ballots more transparent for illiterate people in Africa and the use 
>of SMS to communicate corruption info to disconnected villages.  I 
>can't find the paper anywhere on my desktop, so if anyone has it, 
>could you please share it with Sheila?  She may be interested in reading it.
>On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:05 PM, Sheila Parks 
><<mailto:sheilaruthparks at comcast.net>sheilaruthparks at comcast.net> wrote:
>Dear Mary Joyce,
>Thx for sending this. I think it is crucially important to define 
>what liberation technology is
>I am very interested in this group because of its name Democracy and 
>Technology - the Stanford U dept or program
>And on this list serve name, liberation comes first too
>My question is, why would u want it 2 b accessible ONLY to a large 
>segment of the population, and how would u define large?
>For me, and many of us in the hand-counted paper ballots elections 
>(HCPB) voting rights activists,  I want  third grade student to 
>understand how our votes r counted.
>No experts who have 2 explain it.  No statisticians, no 
>mathematicians, no computer geeks,
>Democracy means EVERY PERSON understands - I draw my line in the 
>sand at third grade.  I could go to 5th, if pressed, but  not higher 
>than that.It  It is not totally transparent democracy, then the 
>process belongs to an elite.
>  That is not democracy. That is what we have now, everywhere, 
> including, of course, the US
>At 03:10 PM 2/4/2011, Mary Joyce wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>I'm interested in feedback on a list of characteristics I've 
>>developed to define a "liberation technology"
>>The short version:
>>It must be ACCESSIBLE to a large segment of the POPULATION.
>>It must allow for EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION.
>>It must allow for protection of PRIVACY.
>>...and a repression technology has the reverse characteristics. 
>>Full post here: 
>>Makes a Liberation (or Repression) Technology?"
>>Founder | The Meta-Activism Project  | 
>>Digital Activism Consultant | <http://www.MaryJoyce.com>www.MaryJoyce.com
>>Mobile | <tel:+18579281297>+1.857.928.1297
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>Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
>Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
>Belmont, MA 02478
><mailto:sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org>sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org 
>liberationtech mailing list
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Sheila Parks, Ed.D.
Center for Hand-Counted Paper Ballots
Belmont, MA 02478
sheila at handcountedpaperballots.org
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