[liberationtech] Web Symposium: The Middle East, The Revolution, and the Internet

Rafik Dammak rafik.dammak at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 01:57:07 PST 2011

Hi Jochai,

just read the introduction about the online symposium, I can assume that is
related to events in Tunisia and Egypt or is it only about Egypt?


Rafik Dammak
Twitter: @rafik
Linkedin: http://tn.linkedin.com/in/rafikdammak

2011/2/2 Jochai Ben-Avie <jochai at accessnow.org>

>  Dear friends and colleagues,
> I thought you might be interested in the following *online event* on
> Thursday at 12PM EST
> *The Middle East, the Revolution, and the Internet* live streamed at
> https://www.acessnow.org/live.
> Online symposium participants include:
> · *Frank La Rue*: United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and
> protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
> · *Marietje Schaake*: Dutch Member of the European Parliament
> · *Jillian York*: Harvard University Berkman Center
> · *Tarek Amr:* Egyptian Digital Activist on Global Voices
> · *Walid Al-Saqaf: *Yemeni software developer and journalist
> · *Al Jazeera Transparency Unit *(invited)
> · *Brett Solomon*: Access (Moderator)
> *It will take place this Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 at 12:00 PM EST
> (GMT-5)** During the event, you can tweet questions using the #Q4Access
> hashtag or e-mail us at info at accessnow.org*.
> *Background*
> Tech-utopians and tech-doomsayers continue their debate over the impact of
> the internet on politics and democracy. Meanwhile mass demonstrations have
> spread across the Middle East, causing the downfall of one government and
> putting others on high alert. In each case we know technology has played a
> vital role in mobilizing protestors and transmitting information in real
> time around the globe. The existential threat it plays to a regime has been
> demonstrated by Egypt's internet shutdown. “The Middle East, the Revolution
> and the Internet” brings together experts in the field to discuss and debate
> the issues in real time.
> Access's live web symposium will examine the impact of new (social) media
> and the internet on political freedom. On the one hand, we can expect
> grassroots activists to make use of technology to facilitate their
> activities. On the other hand, the new era provides opportunities for
> dictators and regimes to survey and monitor like never before. With voices
> from academia to the front line, Access will explore how activists use the
> net, the challenges for state actors, and the likely winners and losers in
> the digital cat and mouse game.
> Please join us for this in-depth and dynamic discussion.
> https://www.accessnow.org/live
> --
> Jochai Ben-Avie
> Access Policy Analyst
> jochai at accessnow.org
> +1-888-414-0100 x704 (tel)
> JochaiBen-Avie (skype)*
> *
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