[liberationtech] 2 proposals for 28c3
Anne Roth
annalist at riseup.net
Wed Dec 28 03:55:34 PST 2011
Sounds interesting but doesn't really leave room for getting to know
each other, does it?
I'd rather try to find a time slot with as little conflicting program as
possible - how about any of the other 'breaks',
today 19:30-20:30 or
Day 4 15-16 ?
Am 28.12.11 11:12, schrieb lynX:
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 10:55:31AM +0100, Anne Roth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how about if we meet in the first break today, at 3pm?
> That would collide with
> https://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Workshops/Freedombox_Home_Servers
> What about meeting at the end of Freedombox and walk over to
> https://events.ccc.de/congress/2011/wiki/Social_swarm
> which starts fifteen minutes later?
> So the appointment would be 15:35 in Huge Workshop Room A03
> before the FoeBuDs start holding their presentation which is
> very libtech by content anyway.
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